New 3D Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS) Available to Health House Customers

At Health House, our concern is always being proactive about your health and bringing you the most up to date beneficial information.

John Gofman, M.D., Ph.D., a nuclear physicist and medical...

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Environmental Working Group (EWG) Shopperā€™s Guide to Pesticides in Produceā„¢


Two-thirds of produce samples, in recent government tests, were found to contain pesticide residues. If food laced with bug and weed killers don't appeal to you, EWG's Shopper's Guide to...

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Supplements for your Car! WHAT???


Green Fuel Tabs, Truck Fuel Tabs, and GFT/Liquid will help your fuel burn more efficiently and completely and are a true green fuel technology. They are one of...

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Emotional Detox

 Have you released your “emotional baggage”? 

Do you ever find that you are repeating the same scenario over and over again? Doing the same thing you said you would never do...

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Chia Seeds: What Are They and What Do I Do With Them?

Chia seeds come from a flowering plant, in the mint family, that is native to Mexico and Guatemala. History suggests that it was a very important food crop for the Aztecs. It has remained in...

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The Gut Brain Connection

Do you know that your gut makes as many neurotransmitters as your brain? Neurotransmitters allow our internally made chemical and electrical signals to transmit messages...

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Why Do So Many Skin Care Products Use These Potentially Hazardous Ingredients?

Simple answer: because they are cheap, readily available, and easy to dilute.

Are they in the products you currently use? It’s time to check. Go grab your containers of skin care...

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The Benefits of a Dairy Free Diet

The dairy free diet is just that; no cheese, milk, yogurt, ice cream, butter (although mostly good fat, if organic), or any product that has dairy hidden in it. 

Breast milk is meant for the...

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Registered Massage Therapy for Body, Mind, and Spirit

Massage therapy is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body including skin, muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Registered massage therapy is a clinically oriented...

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