Say "No" to Heart Disease
Dec 26, 2023
Statistically speaking, there is about a 50:50 chance that your first heart attack will kill you. There are an estimated 70,000 heart attacks in Canada each year (one every seven minutes) – of which 40,000 result in cardiac arrests, most of which are fatal. Cardiovascular diseases (including heart attacks and strokes) cause 69,700 deaths each year. [Ref: Statistics Canada]
The good news is that none of these statistics need to apply to you or your loved ones. There is an effective and time tested natural way to reverse atherosclerosis, the narrowing of arteries that leads to hearts attacks, strokes and gangrene. For over 30 years, many thousands of Canadians have been using this safe and simple method to reduce the deposits in their arteries that have been building up over decades. Read some of their stories in my book, The Nutritional Bypass: Reverse Atherosclerosis Without Surgery, which book also includes the latest scientific insights. Ask for your free copy by calling Marlene or Lynne at 905 294-9720 or email [email protected]
Bypass surgery, angioplasty, and coronary stents provide temporary relief from cardiac symptoms; however, these procedures do not extend life. Because nothing has been done to correct the cause of the problem, arterial deposits continue to build up in other arteries and also at the sites of these surgeries.
Cholesterol lowering drugs and low cholesterol diets do nothing to reduce the incidence of heart disease, for the simple reason that they put the emphasis in the wrong place. From 50 to 80 per cent of heart attack victims have normal serum cholesterol levels. There is no cause-and-effect relationship here. [Ref: The Cholesterol Myths, by Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD]
The only way to overcome a problem is to correct its cause. The reason that heart attacks continue to be our #1 disease killer is that neither the medical nor the alternative approaches effectively address their cause. Medicine has heroic measures to keep you alive, provided your first heart attack is not fatal. Supplements such as CoQ10, EPA fish oils, L-carnitine, garlic, hawthorne, etc. provide symptomatic relief but are unable to reverse the continuing buildup of arterial plaque. Nutrition has an answer, but much more than a fragmentary approach is required.
The buildup of plaque begins with damage to the inner lining of arterial walls. The solution can be found in the answers to two questions: (1) what causes the arterial damage, and (2) what makes arterial walls particularly vulnerable to this kind of damage? Once you understand true cause-and-effect, the solution becomes clear.
Most arterial damage is caused by free radicals, highly reactive molecular fragments that tear through cellular membranes and also cause mutations in DNA. Free radicals are released in the body from (a) overexposure to sunlight, (b) petrochemicals in drugs, artificial food colourings, and smog, (c) rancid and adulterated fats, (d) carbon tetrachloride cleaning fluids, (e) chlorinated drinking water, (f) exhaust fumes, (g) tar in tobacco smoke, (h) chlorinated drinking water, (i) cadmium and other heavy metals, (j) radiation from X-rays, microwaves, and cell phones, and (k) excesses of alcohol, sugar and/or polyunsaturated oils. Free radicals adversely affect many sites in the body and are causative agents for various forms of cancer. Arteries have a unique structure that makes them especially vulnerable to free radical damage.
Every cellular membrane includes a blend of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. The monounsaturates contribute stability, thereby resisting invasion by viruses and free radicals. The polyunsaturates contribute fluidity or flexibility. The problem is threefold: (1) arterial cells require a high percentage of polyunsaturated because they are the most flexible tissues in the body, (2) polyunsaturates are chemically unstable and readily break down to form free radicals, and (3) if the body does not have a sufficient intake of monounsaturates (e.g., oleic acid from olive oil) it is compelled to incorporate an even higher percentage of polyunsaturates into arterial walls than is healthy. This explains why the incidence of heart disease is significantly lower in Mediterranean countries where olive oil is the primary fat consumed.
My Nutritional Bypass book describes a safe and beneficial program that has been saving and extending lives for over 30 years. It works by providing the body with a comprehensive and synergistic blend of 27 high potency nutrients that enable it to neutralize free radicals, to repair damaged arteries, and to dissolve accumulated arterial plaque. The body does its own healing, provided we give it all of the raw materials it requires to do the job. Whoever has this understanding and commitment can say “no” to heart disease.
– By David W. Rowland
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