Emotional Detox

Dec 26, 2023
women meeting and discussing their emotional state looking for answers

 Have you released your “emotional baggage”? 

Do you ever find that you are repeating the same scenario over and over again? Doing the same thing you said you would never do again?

Dealing with chronic pain or stress that never goes away? 

Are you stuck in an area of your life that you can’t seem to break free?
That was me many years ago. When I first started my Nutritional Consulting Practice, I also found that many clients needed help with emotional issues.

People, food, and things have a positive, negative, or neutral effect on us. Since we were born, we have had many experiences. Some of those may be held in the body, while others may not.  Our emotional issues are often the cause of many symptoms and physical health challenges that deplete our energy.

Our energy should flow through us like a fountain. Health can function and remain stable as long as energy flows through the body. But often it can be blocked by what I call a conflict or an energy blockage. This conflict can sit there like a rock for many years or for our entire life.

Many people suspect that there might be a conflict lurking behind their emotional issues and physical ailments, but these conflicts can cleverly conceal themselves and zap our energy until something brings them to our attention.

Conflicts arise due to a major physical or emotional stress or trauma. It acts like a virus in your computer or an incompatible subprogram that disrupts the human software.

According to both psycho-analysis and modern trauma research, the actual cause of most psychosomatic and physical disorders is based on subconscious past traumas or conflicts that have not been fully processed and released. 

If not processed it will stay held in the body and create negative energy patterns. If it persists over a long period of time, it will move from the subtle energy to the metabolic energy and finally present as physical symptoms.

The body can repair itself, if energy blocks or conflicts are dissolved.

Fortunately, Psychosomatic Energetics is a way to measure the energetic condition of a person. I was so excited when this testing became available almost 10 years ago! 

I can test for physical, emotional, mental, and nervous system stress and conflicts that block the Energy Centres or Chakras. This is also known as our Chi or our Life Force, which guides both our mental and physical constitution.

The term Psychosomatic Energetics combines the three dimensions of man.

Psyche=soul or mind; Soma=body; and Energy=spirit-like life energy

Most people don’t notice their conflicts. Yet, they are continuously weakened by them and can eventually  make them ill. 

We come into the world with different tasks to be solved and, as a consequence, we can accumulate acute and chronic emotional conflicts or energy robbers that can interfere with life's pleasures.

The acute conflicts are related to life’s daily situations, like being angry at work, a sudden shock, or losing a loved one.

Chronic conflicts usually have their origin in early childhood. They have deeper roots in the subconscious mind and put up more resistance to being melted away.

The deepest conflict of all, we refer to as the central conflict because it has a central meaning for the individual’s life.

The central conflict influences the structure of one’s character, their reaction to life's experiences, their metabolism, physical weaknesses, and the diseases that arise.

Most people have trouble putting into words what it is that is blocking them, primarily because it is in their deep subconscious.   

PSE brings non-verbal conflicts up to the surface. With the use of specific homeopathic remedies, we can dissolve the conflicts allowing the energy to flow, our life force to return and our energy to return, allowing the healing of the physical condition.   

When I test a client,  I will first test the energy they have available on a daily basis. Next, I will test the nervous system for imbalances in specific areas. For example, there may be hidden anxiety, depression, fears, constant worry, or sleeplessness. Perhaps nerves are under tension and causing pain or the body is in a state of exhaustion or hyperactive and needs rest.   

Then I will test all 7 Chakras or Energy Centres and determine if there is a blockage. Once we know which Chakra is blocked, then we will discover the emotional connection.

As an example, if the third Chakra is blocked, which is quite often, this relates to the abdominal area. This Chakra is about how we take things in from the outside world, both emotional and physical digestion, as well as how they are eliminated. There may be digestive issues such as diabetes, gallstones, ulcers, diarrhea or constipation, food intolerances, or addictions to alcohol, food and/or caffeine.

There are four emotional connections to the third Chakra. One connection is about “Swallowing Anger”, our tendency to suppress or bottle up emotions, instead of expressing your feelings. You feel furious but you try hard to control your temper. You are polite and nice even if someone hurts you. You may be angry at yourself or at the world. These are the people that suffer in silence, that make it look like everything is ok when it’s not. Stomach ulcers can be a common result of the third Chakra being blocked.

What I love about PSE testing is that I have a non-invasive tool to find subconscious emotional conflicts that is effective and safe for all ages.

This allows us to address unresolved emotional issues and, in turn, is very important in resolving physical conditions. It allows us to break the chronic pattern of disease, reduces stress and anxiety, promote increased energy, and a positive self esteem and personality. I would love to help you let go of what holds you back with PSE.

“Change your energy, change your life”. 

Connect with me today.


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