Are You Dreading This Time of Year with the Sneezing, Itchy Eyes, and Runny Nose?

Apr 06, 2023

Spring allergies are linked to different triggers than those in the fall, although the symptoms are very similar to those experienced during autumn. In the spring, people are primarily sensitive to the trees, as they are blooming. Birch is considered to be one of the most allergic tree pollens. In the summer, grass and weeds are usually the culprits. Grains of pollen are released into the air by trees, grass, and weeds in order to fertilize other plants.

Many people who suffer from allergies also have food sensitivities. Testing and eliminating these foods can reduce the allergic burden on your immune system throughout the year. My priority is to look at the person as a whole and to find the underlying issues that are causing the disturbance, which, in this case, is the allergic reaction. These can be physical and emotional. We shouldn’t be allergic or sensitive to trees, grasses, and pollens if our mucus membrane defence system is intact and functioning optimally.
Mucous membranes, and the mucus they secrete, serve primarily as protection by preventing particulate matter, such as pollen, from entering into deeper tissues, by trapping them in the secreted mucus. Mucous membranes also provide lubrication to keep the underlying skin moist. An allergen is always a protein irritant that has successfully penetrated the mucus membrane barrier, known as the microbiome, which causes inflammation and a histamine response. The microbiome houses the gut bacteria and organisms that keep our immune system functioning properly and helps minimize allergic reactions. My goal is to educate my clients on how and why their barriers are not doing their job. By strengthening and repairing the mucous membranes and the microbiome, springtime allergies can be greatly reduced or completely eliminated

I suggest starting the prevention and repair process in late winter and early spring to allow the body time to respond and build up its defences. It is very important to eliminate all known food sensitivities and to avoid sweet, salty, and processed foods as they not only weaken the immune system, but also contribute to allergic reactions.

Staying well hydrated, with clean water, like reverse osmosis water, helps the body to eliminate more efficiently and to keep the membranes moist. The internal and external skin requires specific nutrients for repair. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables is one way to ingest these nutrients. I also suggest including a whole food supplement, in addition, to achieve the higher amounts required. Most importantly, we must build up the microbiome as this is our first line of defence.

A salt and water nasal rinse solution can help rid the body of bacteria, viruses, and other irritants, as well as reducing inflammation. Natural antihistamines and many safe and effective homeopathic and natural remedies will help with the symptoms, while bringing about the healing process. Commonly used over-the-counter and prescription medications have been reported to have many adverse side effects because they can be toxic and also affect the central nervous system. The side effects can include decreased focus and concentration, mood changes, irritability, psychotic reactions, drowsiness, slowed reactions, and hallucinations. It is best to avoid antihistamine formulas as they will dry out the mucus membranes, allowing the invader the opportunity to irritate the inner skin.

It is important to heal the underlying issue of weak barriers and a poor microbiome to resolve the reactions rather than just band aid the symptoms with drugs.

Click here to book a consultation  or call us at 905 294 – 9720

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