A Nutritional Approach to Allergies

Mar 15, 2023

Do you suffer from itchy watery eyes, constantly runny nose, hives……..ALLERGIES? ‘Tis the season for developing signs & symptoms of this uncomfortable disorder which often occurs most often in the spring and fall.

What is an allergic reaction?

An allergic reaction happens due to a disorder of the body’s immune system or impaired digestion. Yes your digestive system is your first line of defense-your barrier to the outside world. Your white cells are like soldiers standing and ready to fight on a moment’s notice when something enters the body that doesn’t belong. The white blood cells (soldiers) should be well trained to decide what is foreign and what your body’s own organisms are. Then attack! This training begins the day you are born and continues until you are a teenager.

An allergic reaction is a hypersensitive reaction to a “normal” or harmless substance – like pollen or a protein molecule. This hypersensitive reaction occurs if your immune and digestive system has not been well developed and trained.

How do you know what a reaction looks like?

Common allergic reactions may include eczema (itchy, red skin rash), hives (raised, itchy bumps), hay fever (constant, runny nose), asthma attacks and food allergies.

See if you suffer from some of these common symptoms of a typical allergic reaction:

  • breathing congestion
  • inflamed, bloodshot, or scratchy eyes
  • watery eye & tears
  • sneezing
  • coughing
  • itching
  • hyperactive/unusual behavior
  • irritability
  • nosebleeds
  • puffy face/red ears
  • flushing of the cheeks
  • dark circles under the eyes
  • vomiting
  • stomach ache/intestinal irritation
  • swelling

More severe reactions could cause anaphylactic shock, which can be dangerous if not treated in time. I’m sure you may know someone who carries an Epi-Pen for this reason.

What causes these reactions?

These “triggers” come from many different places and substances. Often if you suffer from allergies, you are allergic to more than one substance.

Categories where we may come into contact with an allergen are as follows:

INHALANT Includes airborne substances that we may breathe which may include: chemical fumes, tobacco/smoke, dander (from a pet), cockroaches & dust mites, molds, car and truck exhaust, and plant pollens such as grass, trees, and weeds.
INGESTANT Include substances that we may eat or swallow such as: foods, medications or heavy metals in our water.


The most common allergic foods include: wheat and/or gluten, corn, milk and dairy products, eggs, tomatoes, soy, shellfish, peanuts, chocolate, food dyes, additives/preservatives and pesticides.

Medications that cause allergic reactions include aspirin, NSAIDs, and certain antibiotics.

CONTACTANT These are substances which come in contact with our skin like: plants such as poison ivy/oak, jewellery, latex products like balloons or gloves, household cleaning products – even soaps and detergents and beauty products such as cosmetics and hair dyes.
INJECTANT Reactions may come from substances which enter into our bloodstream – usually through our skin such as: insect bites (mosquito), stings from bees or wasps. Sometimes even injected medications or vaccines cause an allergic reaction.

What causes your body to react this way?

There are different reasons why the body reacts to harmless substances in the wrong way.

  1. Imbalanced Immune Function: As mentioned, this starts from birth and can be corrected even when you are an adult. Make sure you are receiving the best whole, natural foods and eating a variety of foods – try eating from all the colours of the RAINBOW! Many of those who suffer from allergies eat the same foods over and over and over………. Make sure you take high quality probiotic supplements (not yogurt) daily to build your defense system. Eating fermented foods daily such as sauerkraut will also provide your body & intestines with friendly bacteria needed for proper immune function.

INTERESTING FACT: Did you know that approximately 70% of your immune system is located in your gut? Yes, your small intestines! That is why it is so important that babies are introduced to the correct foods at the correct time of their development and that adults also consume nourishing foods.

  1. The Toxic Overload: Picture the body like a bucket – as toxins are accumulated from the lists above, the bucket begins to fill. Once the bucket is too full, it will start to spill over. These will manifest as symptoms of allergies. Reducing your toxic load or burden or detoxifying your body will help.
  2. Leaky Gut Syndrome: Picture your digestive system as a selective barrier. When it is not healthy, larger undigested food particles and other substances enter the blood that otherwise shouldn’t be present. Your body does not recognize these substances and starts to fight them. This is where your immune system (soldiers) kick in and become “hypersensitive” and now a reaction occurs. INTERESTING FACT: Did you know that your emotions have a strong reaction on your digestion and small & large intestine? Managing your stress and having positive thoughts are very important for good health.
  3. Faulty Digestion: such as Low Stomach Acid. Insufficient Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) will lead to inefficient protein breakdown. All allergens are proteins: pollen, dander, food proteins like casein in dairy. It is important to support all aspects of digestion when allergies are present.

Allergy Testing

Several testing options are available to determine different kinds of allergies and the sources of the reaction.

Skin Prick/Scratch Test – The most common but is often inaccurate especially for foods and many times is limited to less than 10% of the cause of allergies.

IgG ELISA Antibody Test – measures antibodies in the blood against foods or environmental allergens. This test is very accurate and available through Health House.

Electro-dermal Screening – uses a computer to simulate a frequency and measure an energetic reaction by the body. There’s a bit of a misconception that electcrodermal screening is intended to diagnose allergies, organ conditions or toxicity but this is not the case. An electrodermal screening may find that certain meridian points are out of balance but this does not diagnose anything. There are numerous ways to bring them back into homeostasis however this depends on the skill of the practitioner, an understanding of physiology and anatomy coupled with a complete health history.

Muscle Testing – using the body and the energy to determine the offending allergen – this method is less expensive but should be performed by a qualified professional trained in Applied Kinesiology but again may not be accurate. There is even a method to test yourself!

If you suffer from allergic symptoms – it is not the end of the world! There are many natural ways to resolve this problem and to give you some symptomatic relief without the use of drugs. Get the right help and testing before the reactions start to happen and breathe easy!

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